The world’s biggest bowling ball.
Get ready to play the craziest game of bowling that’s ever been invented.
In this game the ball is replaced with a real life person and the pins are absolutely massive.
The bowler stands inside an inflatable transparent PVC ball that when inflated is 7 feet in diameter.
The ball is sealed shut with a zipper and the player must run forwards towards the pins gaining momentum as they go trying to knock over the six 5 feet tall foam pins.
The human bowling ball set also comes with an inflatable 3 feet high lane boundary that stays constantly inflated to an optimal firmness thanks to an included stationary air blower to act as the boundaries for the game.
The boundaries are fully rip and tear resistant and are secured to the ground by four stakes.
The specs.
The human bowling game is suitable for ages 5 and up and measures out to be 40′ x 17 ‘ x 3’ in size and weighs a total of 280 lbs.
The verdict?
This has got to be one of the most insane games ever invented… and it’s a hell of a lot of fun!