USB Lighter

The USB Cigarette Lighter.

Tired of carrying around too much stuff in your pockets?

If you frequently carry both a lighter and a USB drive on you wherever you go then maybe it’s time to cut down the weight load by combining the two with this slick cigarette lighter that doubles as a USB drive.

The USB connector slides easily out of the bottom of the lighter’s metal case using a small slider lever located on the side of the device and the outside of the metal case has a gorgeous chrome finish.

USB Cigarette Lighter

The specs.

The USB lighter comes with 8GB of storage space. The lighter is refillable and has an adjustable flame and the device itself is about 1.5″ x 2.4″ x .5″ in size.

No lighter fluid is included with the product.

The verdict?

A cool and handy little gadget that frees up your pockets and is bound to impress anyone you show.

It’s extremely affordable at just under $40 and also makes for a killer birthday or Christmas present for a friend.

How much? $39.99
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